
Showing posts from July, 2021

The battle RAGES on 😤

I listened to a timely podcast recently. The speaker shared of how Jacob wrestled with God and then ended up living the rest of his life with a limp which always reminded him of his need for God. Kind of like Paul’s thorn. She compared Jacob’s example to the paralyzed man healed at the pool of Bethesda not knowing who even healed him when asked. The chronic limp actually served to become a hidden blessing and grace as it was a tangible reminder of his dependence on God. This illustration spoke to me as I continue to endure a long gradual steroid taper (2.5 mg a month) which would take me into this Fall. My providers want to take it slow this time in hopes that GVHD will not resurface when I’m off of them. If it does, then the prednisone would be less effective the 2nd time around they said. I’m so thankful for these meds, but they are taking a toll on me. I’m dealing with the physical and emotional side-effects of the prolonged taper including fatigue and irritability. I almost feel li...

Fellow fighters update #10

Maria Home sweet home! After a month-long battle, Maria was discharged this past weekend. She did well persevering through fevers, nausea, and GI issues. Please pray for her full recovery and engraftment of her donor cells. Edward Please also pray for Edward. (Five years post-transplant.) He's been in the hospital fighting some pretty bad GVHD after getting the covid vaccine.  Our family enjoyed reconnecting with Kim and Craig Smith yesterday, sharing fond memories and laughter. Through unimaginable grief and loss, they continue to shine choosing joy each day because of our eternal hope. Ryan made such an indelible mark on us and so many people through his life and loving example... even to this day.  Thanks again for your prayers for these dear friends who are fighting their respective battles well with faith and perseverance.