Cancellations, cancer, corona, community

Today is Friday the 13th and my transplant date is set for April Fool’s Day. I’m not really superstitious but with everything going on right now, things sure seem pretty surreal. πŸ€”

Yesterday, I was at Perelman all day with Grace and Chloe (my representative caregivers!😘) for my transplant class as well as another chemo infusion. It was a long day but it went smoothly overall and we got home just in time to meet my home care nurse in the evening! What a day!  

The class was very informative and we realized that the course after transplant will be quite involved with a bunch of new meds, potential complications, and risks.  After probably about a month in the hospital, I’ll be discharged home once my levels are safe and I’m feeling ok.  I’ll be very immunocompromised for about a 100 days post transplant so will be in a “bubble” to prevent the chance of infection. Life in general will look very different. For example, they said to enjoy any take-out food these next few weeks cause after transplant, I’ll have some pretty strict eating restrictions. πŸ˜™So thankful to my family and our greater community of friends who will be standing alongside us as we tackle this next phase of battle head-on, yet day by day with His daily mercies and sustaining grace. We realize we will not be able to fight this fight alone.  

As everything seems to be being cancelled left and right, we’ve been reminded all the more of community.  As Paul Tripp has said, “suffering reminds us that our lives are meant to be community projects”. And right now, our world is dealing with a situation that is beyond belief. It is hitting home and becoming more personal though as we consider those that have been and are at higher risk to be devastated by this virus, including our elderly parents or those who are immunocompromised. 

In the midst of all this craziness, may we cling tightly to our faithful God who is our loving Shepherd as well as the Rock who has all things in His sovereign hands. And may we cling onto others as well (not literally!) πŸ˜·  Though we’re being advised to limit gathering with folks during this season, may we continue to love others well... our families, our neighbors, and even reaching out to those in our lives through virtual means as able. Like many of yours, our church community has even gone to virtual services/gatherings for now!

Lastly, during times like this, we are reminded of the frailty of life and pray for eternal perspective.  Things right now truly seem surreal... from widespread cancellations to an imminent transplant that could save my life. All in the Lord’s loving and mighty hands. Trusting in His sovereign and good purposes in and through it all.

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.
(2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:16-17‬)

Yesterday at Perelman, I was struggling with fatigue and a stiff neck but was able to find a nice couch to lie down and rest (as well as enjoy some delicious pizza!)

The nurses were also so sweet and provided plenty of yummy sustenance to keep us going!

I also had a chance to meet this young man, Ryan, in the transplant class.  It was special and touching to be able to pray together along with his parents.  Ryan will be going in a week after me for his transplant so will look forward to seeing him in the hospital as we fight this fight together.  Please keep him in your prayers. And btw, no, the chemo is not making me shrink... Ryan is just super tall and is a college basketball player! πŸ˜œ

Last night, some of our dear neighbors surprised us with a special delivery from Happy Valley... Penn State Creamery ice cream!! πŸ˜‹ After a long tiring day, it made our whole day!! 


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey during this complicated and uncertain time. We are inspired by your faith and hope. We love your family and are praying for you all as you hurdle all of the challenges and uncertainties. So glad to see how God is providing in so many ways. Peace, Kendal and the Barbee Family
    "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39)

  2. Continued prayers for you and the family!

  3. Much love Joe to you and your family during the weeks to come. I will be thinking about and praying for you all... You got this!! :)


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