“Elbow bump” and change of plans

Will this term be in the history books one day when they talk about Coronavirus?  Or will there at least be an emoji for this greeting we’re becoming accustomed to using these days? (Interestingly, though recommended over a handshake of course, I’ve heard that health officials are also deterring the elbow bump too, but encouraging folks to keep their personal distance to 6 feet if possible.) So, at this time, sticking to a simple “Hi” with a smile and a gentle wave may be the best and safest means of greeting those around you esp. for the welfare of those in our lives that are elderly, vulnerable, or immunocompromised. 🙋‍♂️

Grace and I met with my transplant doc today. Due to the Coronavirus, my transplant will unfortunately need to be postponed for a couple of months cause of the risk of infection. That was hard news to swallow but we are trusting in God’s sovereign wisdom and timing in all of this. 

In the mean time, I’ll be continuing with another few rounds of chemo these next couple months with my next admission for cycle B tentatively planned for next week if a bed opens up. With this continued treatment, my doc is hopeful that it would keep my leukemia in check until my transplant. Again, in the Lord’s sovereign and good hands. 

Thank you for standing alongside us in this journey with all the ups and downs. It means so much to me and my family. As you know, we’ve esp. been so encouraged knowing that many of you’ve been praying along with your kids. I believe that our Heavenly Father has a special place in His heart as He hears the prayers of little ones. We got this card the other day and it just touched our hearts so wanted to share with you: 

Just like these two young soldiers, you are on the front lines as you lift up prayers to our great and mighty God who goes before us in battle. He’s got this under control!


  1. Good morning, Joe and family. We know the devastation you feel as your journey to good health has now been prolonged. We are waiting for Ryan to hear the same news. All we know is that God knows the ultimate plan for your life and Ryan's, and that plan is for good. Our view of life is looking up the side of a mountain. God already is at the peak looking down at the beauty. We stand in firm belief that there is a reason for this recent detour. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue on in your treatments. Kim, Craig and Ryan Smith

    1. Yes Kim, the news of postponement was definitely disappointing. Thank you so much for your kind words and good perspective in faith. Really needed to be reminded of that this morning. At times our feeble faith falters, but God’s great faithfulness is unchanging!

      We’ve been praying for Ryan and you guys since the day we’ve met you. Our sovereign God loves us so much!
      - Joe

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about the delay. Praying that you will be even more stronger for the transplant as you wait.


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