Rash 🥴
My body rash has gotten worse esp. on my arms and legs with increased itchiness. And my eyelids are swollen heavy making me look and feel like I’ve been beat up. 🥊 Makes sense since my body has been fighting as Bo’s stem cells engraft. My doc says these symptoms are not a bad thing from a cancer perspective. If so, this rash is something I’ll do my best to live with. Thankfully, there are some meds to help with the itchiness!! 😬 . It appears as though these symptoms point to a common condition after transplant called acute graft vs. host disease (GVHD) in which my new donor stem cells are seeing my body’s healthy cells as foreign, and thus attack and damage them. Some GVHD is a good thing as the donor cells attack any surviving cancer cells as well. So it’s a blessing and a curse. Please keep in prayer for protection as the 3 ways that acute GVHD usually presents is through skin rash, GI issues, and liver dysfunction. Thankfully, I’m not currently experiencing ...