Marathon πŸƒ

Our family went on a road trip getaway to Florida for spring break. We covered 2600 miles of driving... a marathon x 100... a fitting analogy to the journey with leukemia. I was thankful for my steroid-induced insomnia so I could stay awake at the wheel! πŸ˜³ Also grateful for strength to do everything we did. We enjoyed good food, fun, and family time. A few highlights were swimming in the ocean and kayaking in the mangroves. These things were not possible for me this past year cause of my PICC line so I did not take them for granted. 

We also were so happy to be able to see my brother’s family on the way home. It was fun for them to meet Mochi! Tabby looks great and even ran the length of her sidewalk to wave goodbye as we drove away! 

Speaking of marathon, I’ve heard that runners learn to endure pain not only during their races but also from the cumulative effects of running long-distances. One marathoner said, When we start off we are full of energy. As we run further and further the aches and pains increase until it seems that we are running on willpower not strength.

On that vane, I’ve been more tired these past several days. At my follow-up appt this past week, my doc said it’s expected cause I’m tapering my steroids. I’m all the more thankful that I had good energy last week for our vacation! But I’m learning to accept the harsh reality that fatigue is my norm. My body is still fighting and I’m learning to pace myself... balancing activity with rest as time progresses. Ironically, my doc said the best 2 remedies for chemo-related fatigue are exercise and time. πŸƒ⌛️

The marathoner I quoted above goes on to say, As I run more frequently, build up my mileage and become more present in my running, time seems to compress and dilate all at once. I can run a long way, enjoying every moment of it, and be surprised that I have run for hours. So we do get tired but we have learnt that it is part and parcel of existence.  Likewise, I’m learning to be more present in the situation God has placed me in right now despite my circumstances... to even enjoy, cherish, and find wonder in the precious moments in front of me. 

Please pray for patience, perseverance, and strength especially as I continue to wean off of my steroids and that my GVHD will be held at bay. πŸ’ͺπŸ™ And thankfully, my viral levels continue to remain undetectable even with the lowered dosage of meds and my blood counts are slowly but steadily on the rise! 


  1. Thank you for sharing Joe! To have these gems in moments and memories with God’s strength even in the marathon you’ve been running. May God provide more strength even with reduced meds. Praying for you and your family.

  2. I was 😱😱 when I heard u guys roadtripped to FL w the dog even lol!! So brave!! And so glad it was wonderful—though I’m sure it wasn’t exactly relaxing!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  3. Praying for strength and perseverance as you run this race faithfully.


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